Bill Cosby: The Fall of America’s Dad

The accusations of rape against Bill Cosby have been difficult to understand, mostly because of his beloved reputation. However, Narcissistic Personality Disorder could explain how he could explain both the horrible and great parts of his personality.

The Cycle of Insanity: And Mass Shootings Continue

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Yet another mass shooting illustrates the cycle of insanity in which we currently live. As long as we refuse to do anything about the systemic factors behind each incident, we guarantee that there will be others.

Why Identity Politics are Killing Our Democracy

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Our political process has become so polarized that people are not critically thinking about the policies of particular candidates. Instead, they practice identity politics and align with whichever group they believe describes them. If our democracy is to survive, this must change.

Ray Rice and Domestic Violence: The NFL’s Many Mistakes

After learning about Ray Rice and his domestic violence troubles, the NFL had an opportunity to show they take that issue seriously. However, through their many missteps and false promises, all they’ve done is prove that they don’t care about domestic violence at all.

Child Custody Suits Harm Families

The recent child custody battles of Halle Berry and Jason Patric point out the flaws in our legal system when dealing with families. Instead of being adversarial, families in trouble need the kind of assistance that ensures everyone can win.

The Big Picture in the McCullen and Hobby Lobby Rulings

The recent Supreme Court decisions of McCullen v. Coakley and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby showed a disturbing trend in limiting women’s reproductive freedom. However, if we look at the process (big picture) instead of the content (the rulings), the news is even worse.