Collin County Politics: Protest is American

May 10, 2021 Commissioner’s Court: The public comments continue to be gold. The first speaker commented on the double standard of police behavior. During a recent protest for justice for Marvin Scott III, a huge white man named David Godber (you’d be excused for thinking he should be called Goober) threatened and assaulted some of the protesters. He was aggressive with a police officer, swatted a phone out of one woman’s hand, and swatted at another. He cocked his fist like he was going to hit someone and, to top it all off, was concealed carrying (of course he was). …

Covid19 is Gonna Make Us Pay Big

For the longest time, the status of Covid19 cases – how afraid we should be – was measured in the number of ICU beds available. “We have plenty of beds,” our Governor kept assuring us. I live in Texas, so everyone knows how that’s turned out. The measurement point of beds available always confused me. Sure, we have beds. Big deal. We can always get more beds. We can buy a bunch from other countries that’ve been smart enough to deal competently with the virus. But what’s not easily gotten, what’s not a renewable resource, is medical professionals. Why is …

The Cycle of Insanity: And Mass Shootings Continue

Photo by abac077 -

Yet another mass shooting illustrates the cycle of insanity in which we currently live. As long as we refuse to do anything about the systemic factors behind each incident, we guarantee that there will be others.

When No is the Answer: Examining Therapeutic Non-Compliance

Getting patients to follow the treatment plan is a huge problem for healthcare providers. Physician groups have studied drug non-compliance in detail and are coming up with solutions yet we are not doing the same thing for mental health.

All I Want for Christmas is Quiet

The holidays have become too loud, and all the noise is drowning out what Christmas was meant to celebrate. Perhaps quiet can put things back into perspective.

Setting Good Boundaries

Setting healthy boundaries is tough but necessary for good mental health. Here are some ideas for how to do it.

Psychologists Should Be Front and Center

Psychologists can do more to make the population healthier — so why aren’t we? If it’s going to help move society in the right direction, psychology as a profession needs to make its presence felt.