No Longer Running on Empty: Five Ways of Recharging Your Battery

These days a lot of people feel like they’re running on empty. They report feeling tired, sad, depressed and unmotivated. However, there are things you can do to counteract these feelings. The five ways of recharging your battery can help you feel full of life again.

Playing Doctor: Kids and Sexuality

Although our society doesn’t like to admit it, children are sexual beings too. Many people remember playing doctor, something kids do to explore their sexuality out of a sense of fun and play.

Moving Forward in Relationships: An Update

In a previous column, I discussed why communication and setting a boundary is crucial for the process of moving forward in relationships. However, it is important to know the distinction between an ultimatum and a boundary.

Moving Forward in Relationships

Figuring out how to meet the needs of both partners can be tricky, especially when something as serious as marriage is involved. That is why communication and setting a boundary is crucial for the process of moving forward in relationships.

Learning Empathy: Some Concrete Suggestions

Perfect Empathy

The importance of empathy cannot be overstated yet it seems to be a skill that many people are lacking. If more of us concentrated on teaching empathy skills, we might soon see the benefits.

When No is the Answer: Examining Therapeutic Non-Compliance

Getting patients to follow the treatment plan is a huge problem for healthcare providers. Physician groups have studied drug non-compliance in detail and are coming up with solutions yet we are not doing the same thing for mental health.

Seek Help for Depression and Anxiety

Although mental illness is getting more recognition, many people still do not realize when they are anxious or depressed. Once they do, the most important thing to do is seek help.

Overcoming the Cowardly Lion Within

It is difficult to find the courage to do things we are scared to do. In order to help us overcome our internal Cowardly Lion, here are 7 tips to help us become courageous.