The Pain Beneath the Bobbitt Case

John Wayne and Lorena Bobbitt made a huge splash back in the 1990s when she cut off his penis. While I remember the case being constantly in the news, I was fairly uninterested in it. I was too busy starting my career and my marriage to waste a lot of time watching television or reading about entertainment news. So I’ll admit that my memory of the case is faulty. However, after watching the docuseries Lorena about the whole thing, I wonder just how much my understanding of the case was formed by what I didn’t see. What stands out in …

The Attack on Abortion and Women’s Fertility

Lawmakers are holding hearings on women’s healthcare issues and are refusing to allow women to even have a voice in them. Men are deciding for women just what it is that we can and cannot do with women’s fertility, our healthcare and our bodies.