Why Am I in Love with My Counselor?

Question: As part of my graduate program in psychology, we’re required to do our own counseling. I found a counselor at a psychotherapy clinic. I felt very comfortable with her and thought I was making progress. While we were in session one day, I told her that I was falling in love with her. She got upset, refused to schedule a follow-up appointment and will no longer take my calls. I know you’re not supposed to have romantic feelings for our counselors, so I feel very guilty about what happened. Why do so many patients fall in love with their …

Mother Blame: Psychology’s Shame

from https://feministfiguregirl.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/mothers-blame-3.jpg

The field of psychology has much to answer for with regard to our work with mothers. Mother blame has been a huge mistake for us but we can do better.

Grief is Nothing to Cry About

Our cultural narrative about grief is that it is something best left unmentioned. However, grief actually has quite a few positive results including helping us manage our world better.