Why Won’t I Leave My Husband?

Question: I’m married and have two sons. Even from the beginning, my marriage wasn’t great. My husband constantly cheats on me, even when I was pregnant! Whenever I confront him, he promises not to do it again but he does. It’s like he can’t stop himself. If it was just the affairs, I could deal with it but we also fight all the time. This has made me depressed and anxious. It’s gotten so bad that I’ve even been hospitalized. I know my marriage isn’t worth fighting for (even my oldest son begged me to leave) but I can’t. I …

Mother Blame: Psychology’s Shame

from https://feministfiguregirl.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/mothers-blame-3.jpg

The field of psychology has much to answer for with regard to our work with mothers. Mother blame has been a huge mistake for us but we can do better.

Respect Psychology and We All Win

For all the value that psychology contributes, the field doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Psychology is a science — a behavioral science — and deserves to be acknowledged as such.